Hyun-Ho Choi and Kisong Lee, "Optimized Cooperative Inference for Energy-Efficient and Low-Latency Mobile Edge Computing," International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2025, pp. 642-647, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jan. 2025
Hyun-Ho Choi, Kisong Lee, and Ki-Ho Lee, "Optimizing Confidence Thresholds for Cooperative Inference in Edge-AI Surveillance Systems: Avoiding the Fate of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'," IEEE CCNC 2025, pp. 524-529, Las Vegas, Jan. 2025
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Joint Altitude and Beamwidth Optimization for UAV-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE CCNC 2023, pp. 599-604, Las Vegas, Jan. 2023
Hyun-Ho Choi and Kisong Lee, "Collaborative Wireless Energy Transfer for Maximizing Network Lifetime," The 13th International Conference on Future Information & Communication Engineering (ICFICE) 2020, pp. 83-87, Online Conference, Feb. 19, 2021
Seungmin Lee, Suhyeon Im, Eunjin Kim, Sanghun Jeon, Yelin Lee, and Hyun-Ho Choi, "Performance Analysis of Drone Identification Protocols Based on Slotted-Random Access," ICOIN 2021, Jeju Island, Jan. 2021
Hyun-Ho Choi* and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Geometric Analysis-Based Cluster Head Selection for Sectorized Wireless Powered Sensor Networks," IEEE Globecom, pp. 1-5, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020
Hyun-Ho Choi*, Dara Ron, Muy Sengly, and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Energy-Neutral Wireless Sensor Network Based on SWIPT in Wireless Powered Communication Networks," IEEE ICC, pp. 1-7, Dublin, Ireland, June. 2020
Ui-Seong Yu, Dara Ron, Muy Sengly, Hyun-Ho Choi, and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Fair Resource Allocation Based on Kuramoto Model in Wireless Networks," International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2020, pp. -, Barcelona, Spain, Jan. 2020
Hyun-Ho Choi and Wonjae Shin, "Harvest-Until-Access Protocol Based on Slotted ALOHA for Wireless Powered Dense Networks," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2019, pp. 188-193, Auckland, New Zealand, Jan. 2019
Wonjae Shin, Jong-Bu Lim, Hyun-Ho Choi, and Jungwoo Lee, "On the Achievability of Interference Alignment for Full-Duplex Cellular Networks with Multiple Antennas," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1332-1336, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2016
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Multi-Phased Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution," 12th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine) 2016, pp. 1-10, Seoul, South Korea, July 2016
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Applying a Flocking-Inspired Algorithm to Fair Resource Allocation of Vehicle-Mounted Mobile Relays," 12th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine) 2016, pp. 1-9, Seoul, South Korea, July 2016, (Best Paper Award)
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Bio-Inspired Transmission Power Control for Green Base Station in Wireless Cellular Networks," International Conference on Future Information & Communication Engineering (ICFICE) 2016, pp. 86-90, Da Nang, Vietnam, June 2016
Hyun-Ho Choi, Jung-Ryun Lee, Bongsoo Roh, Mijeong Hoh, and HyungSeok Choi, "Bio-Inspired Routing Protocol Based on Pheromone Diffusion in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT 2015), pp. 399-406, New York, US, Dec. 2015
Jungryun Lee, Jiyoung Jung, Youngjae Kim, Eutteum Kong, UiseongYou, Chanjae Lee, Hyun-Ho Choi, Jaesung Park, Myounghun Han, Bongsoo Roh, Chanyi Park, Mijeong Hoh, and Hyungseok Choi, "Bio-inspired Resource Allocation for Multi-hop Networks," 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT 2015), pp. 407-410, New York, US, Dec. 2015
Hyun-Ho Choi and Sanghoon Kim, "Optimal Number of Neighbors for Fast Consensus in Wireless Networks with MAC Delay," International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Processing Technology (CAIPT 2015), pp. 226-229, Yangon, Myanmar, June 2015
Hyun-Ho Choi, "On the Design of User Pairing Algorithms in Full Duplexing Wireless Cellular Networks," International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC) 2014, pp. 490-495, Busan, Korea, Oct. 2014
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "A Bio-Inspired Transmit Power Control Algorithm for Linear Multi-Hop Wireless Networks," IARIA International Conference on Networks (ICN) 2014, pp. 27-32, Nice, France, Feb. 2014, (Best Paper Award)
Wonjae Shin, Jong Bu Lim, Changyong Shin, Hyun-Ho Choi, and KyungHun Jang, "Interfering Channel Alignment and Degrees of Freedom for Downlink Multicell MIMO Networks," IEEE Globecom 2013, Atlanta, GA USA, Dec. 2013
Hyun-Ho Choi, Howon Lee, and In-Ho Lee, "Carrier Sensing Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) Protocol for Next-Generation Wireless LAN," Int.Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2013, pp. 220-225, Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2013
Wonjae Shin, KyungHun Jang, and Hyun-Ho Choi, "Device-to-Device Communication Assisted Interference Mitigation for Next Generation Cellular Networks", IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2013, pp. 625-626, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2013
Wonjae Shin, Jung-Ryun Lee, and Hyun-Ho Choi, "Energy-Delay Tradeoff Analysis and Enhancement in LTE Power-Saving Mechanism", IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2013, pp. 11-12, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2013
Hyun-Ho Choi and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Distributed Transmit Power Control for Maximizing End-to-End Throughput in Wireless Multi-hop Networks," Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2012, Phuket, Thailand, July 2012, (Excellent Paper Award)
Hyun-Ho Choi, Eui-Seung Son, Eun-Kyoung Paik, and Jung-Ryun Lee, "Joint Scheduling and Power Control for Inter-Hop Interference Mitigation in Wireless Multihop Networks," Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2012, Phuket, Thailand, July 2012
Wonjong Noh, Hyun-Ho Choi, Wonjae Shin, Changyong Shin and KyungHun Jang, "Distributed Uplink Intercell Interference Control in Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, April 2012
Wonjong Noh, Hyun-Ho Choi, Wonjae Shin, Changyong Shin and Kyunghun Jang, " Distributed Frequency Resource Control for Intercell Interference Control in Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, April 2012
Wonjae Shin, Namyoon Lee, Wonjong Noh, Hyun-Ho Choi, Bruno Clerckx, Changyong Shin, and Kyunghun Jang, "Hierarchical Interference Alignment for Heterogeneous Networks with Multiple Antennas," IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, June. 2011
Wonjong Noh, Hyun-Ho Choi, Wonjae Shin, and Chang-Yong Shin, "A QoS based Low-Complex Rate-Split Scheme in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks," IEEE Globecom, Miami, Florida, USA, Dec. 2010
Hyun-Ho Choi, Jong Bu Lim, Hyosun Hwang, and Kyunghun Jang, "Optimal Handover Decision Algorithm for Throughput Enhancement in Cooperative Cellular Networks," IEEE VTC Fall, pp. 1-5, Ottawa, Canada, Sep. 2010
Ohyun Jo, Hyun-Ho Choi, and Dong-Ho Cho, "Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications," ICST CrownCom, pp. 1-6, Hannover, Germany, June 2009
Hyun-Ho Choi, Kyunghun Jang, and Yoonchae Cheong, "Adaptive Sensing Threshold Control Based on Transmission Power in Cognitive Radio Systems," ICST CrownCom, Singapore, pp. 1-6,May 2008
Hyun-Ho Choi and Dong-Ho Cho, "Hybrid Energy-Saving Algorithm Considering Silent Periods of VoIP Traffic for Mobile WiMAX," IEEE ICC, pp. 5951-5956, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007
Hyun-Ho Choi and Dong-Ho Cho, "Fast and Reliable Route Discovery Protocol Considering Mobility in Multihop Cellular Networks," IEEE VTC Spring, vol 2, pp. 886-890, Melbourne, Australia, May. 2006
Jee-Young Song, Hyun-Ho Choi, Hyu-Dae Kim, Sang-Wook Kwon, Dong-Ho Cho, Hong-Sung Chang, Geunwhi Lim, and Jun-Hyung Kim, "Performance Comparison of 802.16d OFDMA, TD-CDMA, cdma2000 1xEV-DO and 802.11a WLAN on Voice over IP Service," IEEE VTC Spring, vol. 3, pp. 1965-1969, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005
Hyun-Ho Choi and Dong-Ho Cho, "TAKEOVER: A New Vertical Handover Concept for Next-Generation Heterogeneous Networks," IEEE VTC Spring, vol. 4, pp. 2225-2229, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005
Hyun-Ho Choi, Osok Song, and Dong-Ho Cho, "A Seamless Handoff Scheme for UMTS-WLAN Interworking," IEEE Globecom 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1559-1564, Dallas, Texas USA, Nov. 2004
Hyun-Ho Choi and Dong-Ho Cho, "Priority-based Random Access and Resource Allocation Scheme for HiperLAN Type2 System," IEEE VTC Spring, vol. 4, pp. 2022-2026, Milano, Italy, May 2004
Hyun-Ho Choi and Dong-Ho Cho, "Mobility Management Based on Mobile IP in Mixed IPv4/IPv6 Networks," IEEE VTC Fall, vol. 3, pp. 2048-2052, Orlando, Florida, USA, Oct. 2003
Hyun-Ho Choi, Gyung-Ho Hwang, and Dong-Ho Cho, "Adaptive Random Access and Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Traffic Load in HiperLAN Type2 System," IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC) 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1312-1316, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Mar. 2003
Hyun-Ho Choi, Sun-Ho Lee, and Dong-Ho Cho, "Hybrid Access Scheme Based on One Phase Preamble and Channel Monitoring/Allocation for Satellite Internet Communications," IEEE VTC Spring, vol. 2, pp. 923-927, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, May 2002